President’s Message
When OpenAI released "ChatGPT" in 2022, A.I. technologies marked a rapid evolution. Since then, many companies and organizations have been using our ChatGPT service "exaBase Generative A.I."
The year 2025 is predicted to herald the era of "A.I. Agents," systems that will A.I. autonomously determine what tasks to execute and in what order, based on human requests. These agents shine when they collaborate with other agents and A.I. systems, which is where our extensive range of A.I. products and A.I. service development environment "exaBase Studio" come into play.
Our “Guruguru Business Model (AI Spinning Gear Model)” transforms individual customer challenges into universal solutions that can address the needs of a broader audience, which improves both cost efficiency and customer service. We have released numerous generative A.I. products by accumulating and refining algorithms, data, and other intellectual assets on the "exaBase" platform.