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  • Hiroshima Prefecture Implements 'exaBase AI for Local Governments' to All Employees
    〜Providing Training and Utilization Support for Improved Organizational Efficiency and Productivity~

Hiroshima Prefecture Implements ‘exaBase AI for Local Governments’ to All Employees
〜Providing Training and Utilization Support for Improved Organizational Efficiency and Productivity~

ExaWizards Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director & President: Makoto Haruta, hereinafter “ExaWizards“) and its group company Exa Enterprise AI Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Takuma Oue; hereinafter “Exa Enterprise AI“) announced that Hiroshima Prefecture (Hiroshima City, Hiroshima, Governor: Hidehiko Yuzaki) will introduce the ‘exaBase AI for Local Governments’ ChatGPT service to all prefectural employees. Hiroshima Prefecture aims to improve organizational efficiency and productivity through generative AI. ExaWizards Group will provide training to all Hiroshima Prefectural Government employees to convey the benefits, safety, and effective use of generative AI.

Exa Enterprise AI aims to realize a society where human potential is unleashed and new challenges are embraced by providing AI services and products for improving productivity in Japanese companies.

☑ Background
In November 2022, Hiroshima Prefecture formulated the “Hiroshima Prefecture DX Acceleration Plan” to support the DX initiatives of private companies in the prefecture. In a trial use of generative AI conducted from July to September 2023, 40% of the employees responded that generative AI had been effective in saving work-hours. Over half of governmental departments used it daily, and many employees wished to continue using it. Based on these results, Hiroshima Prefecture decided to fully introduce generative AI as a support tool to improve productivity and efficiency in daily operations.

The goal of the ExaWizards Group is to solve social issues by providing AI-powered services and products. ‘exaBase AI for Local Governments’ is an AI product provided by Exa Enterprise AI that incorporates the best practices of generative AI from the private sector. The service will offer comprehensive support to local governments, including business efficiency, policy planning utilization, and employee training on generative AI utilization.

During the introduction of generative AI to Hiroshima Prefecture, the government evaluated proposals for additional features such as training, input error prevention, prompt templates, and proposals for enhanced functions such as the RAG (data linkage) feature, leading to the adoption of ‘exaBase AI for Local Governments.’

☑Services Provided to Hiroshima Prefecture:
Hiroshima Prefecture plans to utilize ‘exaBase AI for Local Governments’ for operations such as document creation and summarization. Exawizards Group will provide two major services:
・Provide ‘exaBase AI for Local Governments’ to all prefectural employees
・Provide generative AI basic training and utilization support to users

☑Key Features of exaBase AI:
(1) Security and compliance
・All generative AI data processing is conducted domestically.
・Opt-out settings ensures conversation content is not used for learning.
・Prohibited word registration, confidential information blocking, and log storage/reporting functions prevent information leakage. 

 (2)Improved productivity through unique support functions
・Data linkage to organizational regulations and materials (PowerPoint, Word, PDF, CSV, txt)enables the generation of high-precision responses.
・Standard implementation of high-quality prompt (instruction) templates created by AI experts to elicit responses.

(3) Low-cost and Controllable
・Fixed-fee pricing based on the number of concurrent connections for local governments.
・Visualization of user and group-specific usage.
・Ability to set usage limits.

【Exa Enterprise AI Profile】  
Company Name: Exa Enterprise AI Inc.  
Location: F, Sumitomo Realty & Development Mita Twin Building East, 4-2-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo  
Established: October 2023  
Representative Director: Takuma Oue  
Business: Planning, development, and sales of products and services utilizing technologies such as generative AI to improve business operations and productivity  
URL: https://exawizards.com/eai/  

【ExaWizards Corporate Profile】 
Company Name: ExaWizards Inc. 
Location: F, Sumitomo Realty & Development Mita Twin Building East, 4-2-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 
Established: February 2016 
Representative: Makoto Haruta, Representative Director & President 
Business: Industrial Innovation and the Resolution of Social Issues via AI Service Development 
URL: https://exawizards.com/en/ 

<Media Contact>  
Exa Wizards Inc. Public Relations: publicrelations@exwzd.com