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  • ExaWizards Launches Full-Scale AI Model Operations for Grid Storage Batteries in Kansai Electric Power Group’s Operational Business
    - Optimizing transactions with multiple power markets using AI based on demand, supply, and pricing for effective utilization of distributed storage batteries -

ExaWizards Launches Full-Scale AI Model Operations for Grid Storage Batteries in Kansai Electric Power Group’s Operational Business
– Optimizing transactions with multiple power markets using AI based on demand, supply, and pricing for effective utilization of distributed storage batteries –

ExaWizards Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Makoto Haruta; hereinafter “ExaWizards”) is pleased to announce the full-scale operation of the AI model provided to E-Flow LLC (Chuo-ku, Osaka; hereinafter “E-Flow”) to calculate the optimal conditions for trading electricity from grid storage batteries*. E-Flow has commenced operations targeting multiple power markets, with plans to ultimately manage operations in three markets. The AI model uses big data to prepare daily bid proposals for market transactions, ensuring optimal trading conditions.

*Grid Storage Batteries: Batteries directly connected to the power grid to stabilize the power system.

ExaWizards will optimize energy and resource utilization with AI, contributing to decarbonization, energy conservation, and green transformation (GX) to address social issues.

Key Features of the Distributed Energy Operation Business
E-Flow was established in April 2023 as a subsidiary of Kansai Electric Power Company (hereinafter “Kansai Electric Power”), specializing in distributed energy resources. E-Flow commenced its distributed energy operation business in July 2023 and began utilizing technologies such as our AI model.

E-Flow manages distributed energy resources such as grid storage batteries, customer-owned equipment, and renewable energy generation facilities through their “K-VIPs+” service platform. E-Flow handles daily market bidding and plan submissions on behalf of customers who own grid storage batteries and other resources. The addition of multiple power markets has increased the number of relevant factors, making AI-based bid planning indispensable.

ExaWizards’ Role
ExaWizards has implemented the following initiatives in collaboration with E-Flow and related companies:

  1. Designed and implemented algorithms in “K-VIPs+” to allow AI to understand complex power market rules and trends to make optimal decisions.
  2. The AI model generates daily bidding plans based on big data related to operations, supply and demand, forecasts, and transactions, establishing the best strategies according to market fluctuations.
  3. Continues to provide technical support post-AI deployment, collaborating with related companies to optimize the system.
  4. Offers advice on updating and tuning the AI model to respond to new requirements and changes in the power market.

Expected Benefits
Optimizing “K-VIPs+” with our AI model will yield the following benefits:

– Improved operational revenue for customers that own storage batteries.
– Enhanced power quality and blackout prevention through effective storage battery operations.
– Contribution to decarbonization by optimizing supply-demand adjustments for renewable energy.

ExaWizards has been conducting joint research and development with Kansai Electric Power on AI utilization for distributed energy resource operations since 2021. We decided to introduce the developed AI model into practical use starting with grid storage batteries, and E-Flow plans to extend use of the AI to other energy resources. E-Flow has also set the goal of an operational capacity of 1GW for grid storage batteries by 2030 via optimal “K-VIPs+” operations.

【ExaWizards Corporate profile】
Company name: ExaWizards Inc.
Location: 4-2-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 5F
Established: February 2016
Representative: Makoto Haruta, Representative Director & President
Business: Industrial innovation and resolution of social issues via AI service development
URL: https://exawizards.com/

<Media Contact>
ExaWizards Inc. Public Relations: publicrelations@exwzd.com