ExaWizards Holds the First and Second Meetings of the “Committee of Experts on the Suitability of AI”
ExaWizards Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Makoto Haruta; hereinafter “ExaWizards”) is pleased to announce that they have held the first and second meetings of the “Committee of Experts on the Suitability of AI” (hereinafter “the committee”). The committee received proposals from its members regarding the appropriateness of the service content of our swiftly-expanding AI product business.
☑ Activity Report
During the first meeting in May 2024, the committee received proposals and discussed (1) the international situation regarding the appropriateness of AI, (2) our company’s AI governance system, and (3) the future AI governance system.
The second meeting in January 2025 received more proposals and discussed (1) the introduction of some of our products and the operational status of the checklist for those products, (2) a risk response system, and (3) a system for understanding legal regulations.
We use the checklist, which we formulated in accordance with our AI Basic Policy*1, AI Business Operator Guidelines*2, and AI Quality Assurance Guidelines*3, to confirm the appropriateness of a product before release.
Our company will utilize the committee’s proposals in our management processes. Our group will develop and operate AI systems in accordance with our basic values of protecting human dignity, respecting internationally-recognized human rights, and creating a society where everyone can have hope and be sustainable.
☑ Future Activities
We will hold the third committee meeting in 2025.
☑ Committee Background
ExaWizards has set a mission to “create a happy society by solving social issues with AI.” People worldwide have been discussing public guidelines and legal regulations since the emergence of AI and its subsequent spread. Our company established this committee to reflect a variety of perspectives and expertise in its activities not just from a technical point of view, but also to ensure that our stakeholders can use AI with peace of mind.
For more details on the committee, please refer to ExaWizards’ press release dated December 26, 2023 (https://exawizards.com/archives/26500/).
*1 ExaWizards’ AI Basic Policy (https://exawizards.com/en/ai-policy/)
*2 AI Business Operator Guidelines
(In Japanese, https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/mono_info_service/ai_shakai_jisso/20240419_report.html)
*3 AI Quality Assurance Guidelines (In Japanese, https://www.qa4ai.jp/download/)
【ExaWizards Corporate profile】
Company name: ExaWizards Inc.
Location: 4-2-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 5F
Established: February 2016
Representative: Makoto Haruta, Representative Director & President
Business: Industrial innovation and resolution of social issues via AI service development
URL: https://exawizards.com/
<Media Contact>
ExaWizards Inc. Public Relations: publicrelations@exwzd.com