ExaWizards’ exaBase DX Assessment & Learning Takes First Place in the DX Personnel Assessment Services Market Share – According to a Survey by Fuji Chimera Research Institute, The Total Number of Users Has Surpassed 300,000 –
ExaWizards Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and President: Makoto Haruta; hereinafter “ExaWizards”) is pleased to announce that their “exaBase DX Assessment & Learning” service for discovering and developing DX talent is now first place in market share for fiscal year 2023, according to a survey by the Fuji Chimera Research Institute. The survey aggregates the assessment services required to understand the effects of initiatives while nurturing DX talent on a vendor-by-vendor basis. Additionally, exaBase DX Assessment & Learning has now reached a total of 300,000 users.
exaBase DX Assessment & Learning supports DX staffing plans based on a company’s growth strategy and goals, understanding adequacy through assessment functions, and the seamless implementation of individualized personnel development plans. It has been adopted by customers in manufacturing, finance, and other industries.
The Fuji Chimera Research Institute targeted the exaBase DX Assessment & Learning and the standalone “Digital Innovator Assessment (DIA)” assessment services. They project that ExaWizards will extend their market share from 45.5% in FY2023 (ending in March 2024) to 46.7% in FY2024 (ending in March 2025). They forecast that the overall market will reach ¥1.5 billion in FY2024, a 36% increase from the previous year.
(Source: Fuji Chimera Research Institute “Future Outlook of the 2025 Digital Transformation Market <Market Edition>, DX Personnel Assessment Services FY2023, https://www.fcr.co.jp/report/244q06a.htm ). Accumulated sales shares of each service-providing vendor.
☑︎About exaBase DX Assessment & Learning
Launched in August 2019, exaBase DX Assessment & Learning has gained support in a wide range of industries as a platform for developing Digital Transformation (DX) talent. We will provide specialized learning content by integrating with the online learning platform “Udemy Business.”
In July 2023, we expanded our features by introducing the “DIA3.0” assessment, which fully complies with the Digital Skill Standard (DSS) established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Information-Technology Promotion Agency (IPA). These comprehensive efforts allowed us to reach 300,000 users and 2,000 companies in March 2025.
For more details, please see the following URL (In Japanese).
【ExaWizards Corporate profile】
Company name: ExaWizards Inc
Location: 4-2-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 5F
Established: February 2016
Representative: Makoto Haruta, Representative Director & President
Business: Industrial innovation and resolution of social issues via AI service development
URL: https://exawizards.com/
<Media Contact>
ExaWizards Inc. Public Relations: publicrelations@exwzd.com