“HR-kun haichi,” Which Uses AI to Draw up Strategic Internal Personnel Assignment Plans, Joins ExaWizards’ “HR-kun Series” Service
ExaWizards Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & President: Ko Ishiyama; hereinafter, “ExaWizards”) started to provide “HR-kun haichi,” a service to help draw up strategic personnel assignment plans, as part of the “HR-kun Series” on Wednesday, November 20.
The HR-kun Series, which consists mainly of HR-kun Analytics utilizing AI to analyze personnel administration-related data, is a service of helping analyses and predictions, decision-making, and problem-solving in the human resources area. Following HR-kun Analytics, which analyzes the characteristics of personnel who play an active role in a company, and HR-kun DIA, which picks out and trains personnel capable of promoting digital transformation (DX) for business reforms, HR-kun haichi utilizes AI to assist optimal personnel assignment planning.
☑Achieving total optimization rather than partial one in strategic personnel assignment
In large corporations, there are hundreds to thousands of transfers of personnel annually, and personnel administration managers spend several months on such personnel transfers. For this reason, there is ample room for reduction in man-hours in this area. Furthermore, as personnel administration managers try to match a huge number of personnel to be transferred with vacant posts and stations, problems such as unsuitable personnel assigned to particular posts and personnel assigned to particular stations against their wishes arise, and there is room for improvement in terms of the quality of personnel administration as well.
By using AI to analyze basic information on personnel and data on the evaluation of their performance as well as the compatibility between personnel to be transferred and vacant posts based on factors such as the wishes of personnel, HR-kun haichi supports personnel administration managers in drawing up plans to assign candidates for each vacant post. Then, in order to prevent partial optimization as exemplified by the problem that a transfer of one person in a department in turn causes a shortage of personnel in another department, it calculates and proposes a totally optimized combination of personnel transfers based on candidate posts offered to each of the personnel to be transferred. Since they can start by examining assignment plans proposed by HR-kun haichi, personnel administration staff do not need to work out a complicated combination of hundreds to thousands of matching between personnel and vacant posts as they did in the past. By working with personnel administration managers, AI enables them to focus on duties such as interviews with personnel to be transferred and adjustments with parties concerned with posts to which they are assigned.
HR-kun haichi’s URL: https://www.hrkun.com/haichi/
☑Distinctive features of HR-kun haichi 〜HR-kun haichi is a product developed to make complete assignment plans rather than simply visualizing information on personnel administration〜

(1) Investigating possibilities of matching exhaustively to offer a list of candidates from two points of view: personnel to be transferred and vacant posts
HR-kun haichi offers a list of all possibilities of matching from two points of view: candidate personnel as seen from vacant posts and candidate posts as seen from personnel to be transferred.
It allows personnel administration managers to work out assignment plans while referring to other possibilities for already considered personnel and posts.
(2) Considering individual circumstances and the intuition of personnel administration managers important and flexibly using AI for optimization
Personnel administration managers can either ask AI to add the finishing touches to the rough plans they work out or first ask AI to offer draft total assignment plans and then rearrange them on their own. AI helps them at the right time according to the situation.
(3) The examination of restrictions can be left entirely to HR-kun haichi, which takes each company’s requirements for assignment into consideration
HR-kun haichi allows user companies to freely add or edit requirements for assignment unique to them which should be taken into account when assignments are considered. It helps support in meeting transfer requirements that were troublesome to check in the past. One example of troublesome requirements is that personnel must not be mutually exchanged between two departments, and another is that two or more employees must not be assigned from/to the same department.
☑Conceptiual diagram of utilization 〜
HR-kun haichi plays an active role in examining assignment plans for regular personnel transfers and assigning personnel to projects

(1) Regular personnel transfers: Making the process of finding candidate successors for high-priority posts consecutively smooth
-HR-kun haichi allows personnel administration managers to make decisions while comparing various sorts of information such as candidates’ past career and comments on performance evaluations
-HR-kun haichi can present candidates for successors based on their predecessors and according to the requirements established for each post.
(2) Assignment of personnel to projects: Helping assign staff members to construction sites and members to consulting projects
-HR-kun haichi enables personnel administration managers to work out assignment plans with a single click taking into consideration not only matching periods but also the skills, experience, and other qualifications of personnel.
-Simply updating input on projects and personnel makes monthly assignment work more efficient
<Profile of ExaWizards Inc.>
Company name: ExaWizards Inc.
Address: 5F, Sumitomo Hamamatsucho Bldg., Hamamatsu-cho 1-18-16, Minato-ku,
Founded: February 2016
Representative: Representative Director & President: Ko Ishiyama
Business: Development of AI-enabled services for industrial innovation and
solving social problems
URL: https://exawizards.com/en/
ExaWizards Inc. Public Relations Department
Email: publicrelations@exwzd.com